Vast forests and agricultural lands in the Czech Republic continue to experience degradation, biodiversity loss and increased vulnerability due to extreme weather events.

In 2021, CGI embarked on a long-term partnership with the non-governmental organization People in Need (PiN). The partnership seeks to establish a robust methodology for evaluating regional ecosystem integrity and to better understand the health and vulnerability of landscapes in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Our Earth observation experts in the Czech Republic collaborated with PiN to assess regional ecosystem integrity using environmental indices such as the photosynthetic potential of vegetation, cooling capacity of vegetation, and landscape diversity found in the Regional Index of Ecological Integrity (RIEI).

CGI developed an automated tool for processing and aggregating satellite images from Copernicus and Landsat programs. Through remote sensing, image analysis and other techniques, we generated FAIR data (which is designed to improve the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reuse of digital assets) to quantitatively evaluate ecosystem integrity across diverse regions.

“We are really grateful for the cooperation with CGI in the Czech Republic, which significantly enriched our project. Their expert knowledge and know-how for processing satellite data enabled us to comprehensively analyze and understand the integrity of regional and national ecosystems. This collaboration not only amplifies the impact of our work, but also supports a data-driven approach to protecting ecosystems and the environment in general. We look forward to continuing this meaningful partnership,” says a PiN official.

This pro-bono project is part of PiN’s LIFE WILL (Water in Landscape and Soil) Program, supported by the European Commission. It aligns with the broader objective of addressing environmental challenges that have been exacerbated by climate change. It also helps local leaders create better-informed environmental policies, sustainable agricultural programs and improved urban planning practices that strengthen climate resilience.